Sunday, October 6, 2013

Spooky Picture Frame


In the Halloween spirit I decided to make a cute and super easy picture frame. I saw a similar picture frame on pinterest (here is the original blog) and I decided to make my own spin on it.

This is what I came up with:

Overall it was super easy. Here is how I did it!

FIRST you will need:

A cheap wooden picture frame.
 A bag of googly eyes in assorted sizes.
A sheet of glittery foam.
I also used some basic supplies like a sharpie pen, scissors, black paint and a glue gun.
NEXT trace the shape of the frame on your foam and cut it out.

THEN you will need to paint your picture frame. I just painted mine black so the edges would look nice and finished once the foam was on. You could paint your frame any color.
FINALLY glue your foam down onto your frame using a hot glue gun and add eyes.
I didn't use any particular pattern. I just started with the bigger eyes and worked my way down in size to fill in the gaps.

AND that is how you make a spooky Halloween picture frame!
THANKS for checking it out!
- Allison Marie

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