Sunday, October 6, 2013

Spooky Picture Frame


In the Halloween spirit I decided to make a cute and super easy picture frame. I saw a similar picture frame on pinterest (here is the original blog) and I decided to make my own spin on it.

This is what I came up with:

Overall it was super easy. Here is how I did it!

FIRST you will need:

A cheap wooden picture frame.
 A bag of googly eyes in assorted sizes.
A sheet of glittery foam.
I also used some basic supplies like a sharpie pen, scissors, black paint and a glue gun.
NEXT trace the shape of the frame on your foam and cut it out.

THEN you will need to paint your picture frame. I just painted mine black so the edges would look nice and finished once the foam was on. You could paint your frame any color.
FINALLY glue your foam down onto your frame using a hot glue gun and add eyes.
I didn't use any particular pattern. I just started with the bigger eyes and worked my way down in size to fill in the gaps.

AND that is how you make a spooky Halloween picture frame!
THANKS for checking it out!
- Allison Marie

The Beginning..

Welcome to my blog!

Things you need to know (since I think my introductions are corny):

  • - My name is Allison.
  • - I live in Rockford, IL.
  • - I am engaged to an awesome guy.
  • - Together we have two dogs and 3 guinea pigs.
  • - I am an art teacher.


I started this blog to pick up my spirits and motivate my dreams. I recently switched jobs and it caused me to shut down my Etsy shop temporarily. I decided the stress of filling orders wasn't worth it but at the same time I felt like my career was eating away at the free time activities I thrived on. (We are also running out of room in our apartment.)

My goal for this blog is to post about the ideas and things I make so that I can share them with others as well as maybe inspire something new for my future. An Etsy shop? Classes? A real shop? My sister always used to call me Martha Stewart as a joke when I was younger. I used to hate it. Now I sit back and think, "Would that really be that bad?!?" However, I am by no means comparable. I just share in the love of creative arts.

Thanks for checking out my blog and learning a little more about me!

- Allison Marie